An LSD Trip

One hour after taking a tab of acid I started to feel a tremendous amount of energy, (perhaps akin to kundalini) rising up my limbs and  spine. This gave me the urge to move or shake my arms and legs, and perhaps walk around. I smoked marijuana to calm those sensations. I was then able to lay back in bed and meditate deeper on my current state. 

At some point I start to move past my sense of ego. I start to lose the sense of time, everything slows down and I step out of time. I meditate and view the world in the forefront of my mind. I take a trip down past memories or even to other time periods, perhaps past life experiences, zooming further I completely lose my sense of self. I stop identifying with my ego, with my name, with my body. I start to enter a god-like a realm. I can view different times of history and think about the concept of before life and after death. I am able to experience a zooming out to a time before creation or perhaps at the moment of the Big Bang.

I felt able to perceive an infinite bounty in nature and connected with that infinite feeling of connectedness.  I started to understand the cyclical pattern of birth and death and started to realize that a lot of pain is created when we all universally fear this normal pattern. We take too much identification with our body and ego and fear losing it.  This leads to a corruption of the natural order of the old corrupting the young or the old takes sexual experiences from the young. I feel the perversity that by not accepting death, people try and make themselves young and then take from the younger generation. This may mean inappropriately sexualizing children and paranoia in older people to try and maintain their youth by all means possible including surgical enhancements.  This creates a whole cycle of negative karma and consequences for all the people that are harmed.

Societies invent institutions and governments and even Gods to to create a watcher and protector to make sure that everybody’s getting what they deserve. To keep track or everyone and everything. We invented a god to keep track of the merits and sins of each generation but then I wonder who is keeping track of the trackers. You fall back into an infinite loop of reality. A reality where everything just exists and flows and happens as it does. There’s no need to keep track. It is naturally built into the system. With heaven and hell as a state of mind and cause and effect or karma for all of our thoughts and actions. 

We don’t need a world where we trying to keep track of everyone else in order to make sure that one never does anything extra. Where every deed needs it’s rewards. This harms all of humanity. There’s an alternative approach called abundance. Where people share what they have with their fellows in a large scale grass roots effort. I know that there’s a better way, the abundance mentality, where we stop keeping track and everyone doesn’t worry that they’re doing too much and instead we all worry that maybe we’re  not doing enough. We give away. Our money, our love, our time, our expertise.  

In reality all of us are really just running through cycles of life and death without anything to fear. Maybe infinite cycles of birth death and rebirth. Once we have this acceptance of death and awareness that we are not our ego and body we accept the cycle, we lose the need to hold onto this life and there’s no longer that desire to chase after youth. No longer a need to keep track of everything and everyone. All of our achievements stand for themselves without keeping track of it all. 

With an abundance mindset we are indeed creating a new parallel universe, a new mindset of love and kindness with all creatures. Once there’s no longer the identification with the body there’s no fear of death like states. The witness is still there viewing everything albeit from a different perspective that may continue on beyond life. Perhaps this vessel is carrying and expressing the witness that is really a smaller part of a larger single consciousness. This larger consciousness makes itself known to my mind and I call it “the one”. “I” am gone. I prepare to enter samadhi. 

The pinnacle of the trip is when I’m  called to enter and join with the one.  I start to meditate deeply and my hands join together in prayer. I develop a profound feeling of inadequacy, feeling undeserving of the beautiful and awesome experience that I am about to undergo. The feeling passes and  I am granted entry. I begin to merge with the divine. Words can not describe this state. It is a sense of pure bliss as my consciousness merges with unified consciousness and I become one with my soul. One with god. Merging of the witness and object. A state of non-duality. Atman meeting Brahman. Samadhi. Nirvana. Yoga.

This is truly a state of bliss, I feel like you become one with the infinite and eternal force of existence. Single consciousness. Yoga/Unity. There’s no thought at this point. Only existence. Experience of existence and pure loving bliss. The state does not last very long and I slip out of it. However the taste of it is so beautiful I want to go back. I want to experience it again and get closer to this divine state. I think of questions that I want to bring to the state and come back with answers. 

My messages that I receive are to stop keeping track, that there is abundance, that reality is infinite, that we are all one, don’t sexualize youth, and don’t fear aging or death.  

After I comedown, I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed the symmetry of everything. I realize to myself that the prayer pose 🙏🏻 is actually a mirror image of one hand supporting the other. I think of duality merging with non-duality a mirror image of one hand up in support and being mirrored to support ourselves. Going into a non-dual state, I will naturally and automatically form this pose indicating to me something inherently non-dual about it. Maybe the subject and object uniting from a state of non-duality and into the one. Sub - Ek. All One. Tat Tvam Asi. You are that.

Dr. Ben Soffer

Former chair of Internal Medicine at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida and associate professor at FAU Medical School. Dr. Ben is the owner of a concierge Internal Medicine practice in Palm Beach County, Florida and Discreet Ketamine, a telemedicine mental health practice servicing the entire state. He resides in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife and four children.


Nondual Awareness


Prayer = Meditation