Nondual Awareness

The ancient Hindu tradition of Advaita Vedanta reveals the secret of nondual awareness. This is the awareness of the self as being one with everything else. The witness to the world and mind that observes and illuminates all beings.  It’s not separate from anything, it is one thing, all thing. Subject without object. As they put it, Satchitananda: Sat (truth/existence), Chit (consciousness), Ananda (bliss).

This state can be directly observed and experienced in a meditative or Entheogenic state where you lose your sense of self, your ego, and you can become one with a larger consciousness that is everything.  This is the state of non-dual awareness.

You are that.

Always that. You just forget it or are blind to this fact because your ego creates a state of duality that makes you think you are someone. Your ego builds up a large structure of who you think you are and how you view others opinions of yourself. When the ego drops away, you enter non-duality and experience the one nondual awareness. 

Other than experiencing this state directly you can understand this reality with logical reasoning. This is the method of the teachings and parables of advaita vedanta. By understanding through deductive reasoning, you can realize your true state as that.  One way to visualize the oneness of everything, is to zoom out and zoom in macroscopically and microscopically. 

In the macrospic sense, your body is but a mere particle when taken in context of the entire universe. You are like a speck of dust in a desert of sand. What actually separates you from everything else if your all part of one seemingly infinite ♾ universe? 

In the microscopic sense, when you zoom in, you see that everything is just a vibrational frequency on the subatomic particle level. What actually separates one thing from another thing if everything is the same material? It’s like trying to separate out a wave from the ocean. 

In the dimension of time as well there’s a similar analogy. Look at infinite time and notice that time is really an illusion created for dualistic purpose but in non-duality it does not exist. Said differently, time is part of creation, but the creator is above time. Try looking at the smallest chunk of time. It doesn’t exist; you can keep slicing that moment into smaller and smaller chunks of time ad infintum. 

In reality, all of our world is an illusion. This physical body and mind is not the whole story. In fact you are that, Tat Tvam Asi. You are God here and now experiencing the universe through the eyes and other senses of a human. We are all that one human. You are that one consciousness.  You are powerful. You are love. You are fearless. You are one. Loving awareness. Like waking from a dream you may now exit the illusion and into the here and now. 

Dr. Ben Soffer

Former chair of Internal Medicine at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Florida and associate professor at FAU Medical School. Dr. Ben is the owner of a concierge Internal Medicine practice in Palm Beach County, Florida and Discreet Ketamine, a telemedicine mental health practice servicing the entire state. He resides in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife and four children.


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